China’s government spokesperson confirmed that there are no laws or regulations banning the use of iPhones or any other foreign phone brands in China. The country remains open to foreign companies and encourages them to participate in its economic development, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Mao Ning, during a press conference in Beijing.

Mao noted that China pays great attention to information and cyber security without providing further details. She urged foreign cellphone companies operating in China to comply with the country’s privacy laws and prevent any unauthorized access to customer data stored on their devices.

Recent reports had suggested that China had prohibited central government officials from using iPhones, causing a temporary decline in Apple’s stock value. The White House expressed concern over these developments, characterizing them as potential retaliation against U.S. companies.

China has been increasingly cracking down on foreign consulting firms and companies it perceives as posing national security risks. This includes the closure of the Beijing office of Mintz Group and the questioning of staff at Bain & Company’s Shanghai offices. Apple, being one of the most prominent American brands in China, remains closely watched in this context. Chinese sales account for a significant portion of the company’s revenue, and it is the largest foreign market for Apple products. The company has not yet responded to these recent developments.